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For quite some time, SMΔRT ANALYSIS has been the reliable partner of wineries and laboratories, providing color analysis using the CIELab method, which is compliant with the OIV method. We have made CIELab analysis quick and easy, but today we want to share with you one more step in innovation.
Watch the video below to see SMΔRT ANALYSIS in action during color analysis and discover the ease of use of our system. All this was available until now…
… From now on, SMΔRT ANALYSIS incorporates new functions designed to increase processing freedom and simplify the interpretation of results!
You can do that:
By APP. We have updated and upgraded the SMΔRT ANALYSIS color APP, making it even more ductile and feature-rich. Color analysis has never been so accessible and complete.
By PC. A PC version, designed to offer greater flexibility and freedom in data representation, will soon be available. You will be able to observe specific dynamics that would otherwise be difficult to interpret otherwise.
Fill out the form to get the link to the video on the new functions of the SMΔRT ANALYSIS color app
Keep reading if you are not yet familiar with the CIELab method and discover the testimonials of SMΔRT ANALYSIS users. Find out what makes our technology so revolutionary!
In 2006 the International Organization of Vine and Wine (OIV) replaced and downgraded the “classic” method based on the measurement of absorbance at three wavelengths with the CIELab method, which has therefore become the reference method (of TYPE 1) for the analysis of the wine color.
⇒ uses the 3 wavelengths 420-520-620 nm.
It is not the real measure of color but an approximate method to obtain indications of intensity and tone.
Although incomplete, this method has been used, and is still used, as a measure of color both for the simplicity of the method and for the interpretation of the data, and for a technological limitation of the most used tools.
Standard method coefficients:
⇒ uses 80 wavelengths between 380 and 780 nm.
It is the representation of color closest to human perception.
Using specific algorithms that simulate the behavior of the human eye, the 80 wavelengths are transformed into three coefficients C, H and L which uniquely and objectively represent the chromatic characteristics of each wine sample.
CIELab method coefficients:
SMΔRT ANALYSIS is a tool that I immediately liked because of its simplicity in use. Sample preparation and the use of the kits is very simplified. I was thrilled to see the results of dye intensity, hue, etc. on the tablet… The tool offers the ability to create graphs directly, I find this to be a great feature.
In analyzing the color of rosé wines, we started with the classical method, but it was not comprehensive, the values were not comparable to the visual appearance. We switched to SMΔRT ANALYSIS because it does the color measurement using polar coordinates. Once the measurements are taken, a complex algorithm returns the values graphically. It is a tool that I am passionate about and intrigued by.
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