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Smart Analysis is the platform that simplifies the quality control of beer in the brewery and allows you to improve your product day after day.
Portable and patented, Smart Analysis is the ideal analysis platform for brewers and brew masters who feel the need to know and monitor their product during all process phases through reliable and precise analyzes.
Manage your beer in the best way. No more waiting times, make the right decisions at the right time.
La plateforme d’analyse développée pour répondre aux besoins des maîtres brasseurs.
Application et Cloud
L’utilisateur est guidé tout au long de l’analyse grâce à une Application extrêmement intuitive installée sur une tablette. Le système est automatiquement mis à jour via l’application. Le service cloud permet le contrôle et la gestion des résultats d’analyse n’importe où et n’importe quand. Le service de diagnostic à distance assure une surveillance de l’instrument constante et en temps réel.
Smart Analysis est un appareil portable, robuste et compact.
Les réactifs sont pré-remplis dans des cuvettes jetables, ou ajoutés par compte-gouttes.
Le code QR permet l’étalonnage automatique du système et la traçabilité des données.
Fabriqué en Italie
To achieve great results and make excellent beers you need three elements: technology, knowledge and creativity. If you want to make a consistent beer, you need to have a very reliable laboratory with excellent tools. We are happy to have Smart Analysis in our laboratory, because it is so simple to use that it does not require any training in chemistry
The level of craft beer is growing rapidly and good quality control is essential to differentiate itself, even for the smallest breweries, in order to guarantee the repeatability of the recipe to its customers and continuous improvement of the finished product. Smart Analysis for beer, designed specifically for small and medium-sized craft breweries, allows the brewers to control all the key chemical parameters to implement robust QC.
It’s very important for us to make quality control of our products in order to keep a consistent quality of the beers. When making chemical analyses we also learn more about our brewing process and we are able to optimise the process to get an overall better quality. With the Smart Analysis we can analyse many different parameters in a very easy way.
So far we are very happy with the system. Perfect for small to medium breweries.
Fill the form if you want to know more about Smart Analysis for quality control of your beer